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Old August 6th, 2002
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Nosferatu Nosferatu is offline
Join Date: March 25th, 2002
Location: Romania
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Nosferatu is flying high
Angry No, that's not it, it's some dumb fuzzy search logic

Thanks for pointing that out, but it isn't anything like that.

Here is an example from right now:

I search for 'beautiful child' hoping to find the stevie nicks/Fleetwood Mack song of that title.

I do, but I additionally find several Beautiful South songs WITHOUT the word child in their title. So whoever replied has a client which matched on only one out of the two REQUIRED words.

These dodgy *******s were using gnucleus and morpheus, according to my gtk-gnutella client. There are a large number of spurious replies, from a large range of IPs, so I doubt that it's just some lone spammer. I don't have the bandwidth patience or spare time to try downloading any of these spurious replies, maybe someone else will.

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