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Old August 6th, 2002
KenRay53 KenRay53 is offline
Mostly Confused Member
Join Date: August 3rd, 2002
Location: Southern California
Posts: 45
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Smile Things to try


I make no gurantees but...

For the 'tool bar' item try the following:
1.On the Windows Taskbar select the 'Start' button.
2.Next Select the 'Run' option.
3.In the box enter msconfig
4.Select the 'OK' Button.
5.Click on the 'Startup' tab.
6. Here is where you are sort of of your own. You need to look for an item that looks suspicious and then un-check the box. Write down the name incase you need to re-select it later.
7. Reboot your machine and see if the icon still appears.

I am not too sure of what your other symptoms are.
If you have a Desktop Item that you cannot delete try dragging it into the trash can. Then select empty on the trash can.

You mentioned an item placed in your dial up file. If you could describe this a little better I might be able to help.

Good Luck!


Last edited by KenRay53; August 6th, 2002 at 11:17 AM.
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