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Old August 7th, 2002
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Paradog Paradog is offline
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Paradog is flying high

Originally posted by KathW
Make sure your connected for a while before doing searches, it sometimes take a few minutes to build a lot of hosts.

Then if your still not getting results, hightlight one of your Ultrapeers in the connections window and Remove. LW will look for a new Ultrapeer to take its place and you can search all over again on a new set of hosts. To do a re-search on the same file, right-click on the search results tab (the one with the name of the file your looking for) and select 'Repeat Search'
And if you still are not sure if you are properly connected do a
test search:
"britney nude"

If you dont get any results, then you should really check if you are firewalled or something like that.
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