Xolox is sucking Gnutella !!! Xolox tries to flood Gnutella with request from you and other Xolox users. Well, this worked 6 month ago when you could even argue that XoloX was helping the network. Now with Ultrapeers and spam blocking, Xolox is only blocking the network. Last version may have corrected this behaviour, as all good clients were thinking to ban abusers. The last evil clients are Qtraxmax and Shareaza. their developpers don't even reply to other clients.
Bearshare (who implemented client blocking), Limewire, Gnucleus, Xolox and GT-Gnutella developpers are meeting those days to think about a way to block abusing clients, and there are 2 options. One would be to implement certification in their client and block any other client (good thinking clients may also receive certification). This is quite uneasy to do, but DMCA may be on their side. Another option would be for each user to get certification to use Gnutella. The latter seems to be the final response. The certification may be implemented seemlessly when you install your client (from those trustfull list), so you may not have to go get one. When running clients with source aviable, you may not be able to compile different exe and have the certification, so this is sad for individual developpers.
I read this article yesterday. If someone could find the article...
Some Cnet like news but wasn't them. |