question about gnutella overnet and other nets hello
i just found this overnet site
it sais that searching is more effizient than in gnutella
"Q: How is Overnet different from gnutella?
Gnutella and Overnet are both distributed networks. But Overnet uses what is called a distributed hashtable to organize the data that is searched for. This means that nodes know what other nodes to send a search to. In Gnutella the searches and publishes are sent more or less randomly so the the network is far less efficient. It is like the difference between looking something up in a large pile of papers or in a filing cabinet.
ä there a site or something which explains the function and effizienze of the most important nets (openFT, gnutella ,edonkey, directconnect)
and by the way this difference between overnet and gnutella true?
karlnapf |