Thanks for,the tip.... i lowered the speed in 'preferences'...there was no significant change.... (this night i uploaded about 270MB, without sharing)
So i did the following... : uninstall xolox, saved my temps and shares.
re-install xolox as 'dial-up low speed".. there was also no change, more then 10KB/sec activity (no search,shares or download active) (i waited about 1 hour).... and i couldn't laugh!!!
I opened up zone-alarm and blocked the "server" property of Xolox.
restarted xolox...... and the activity dropped below 4KB/sec and i had a lot of 'alerts' in zone-alarm, COMING FROM IP and PORTS DIFFERENT OF PORT 6349 on my port 6349
Question : when using Xolox / gnutella network... does everybody (host / clients use port 6349 for up/download???
If so, i have to block al those IP cause they are spoofing, am i right?
As an example you'll find an excel-file with my up/download results (DU-meter) for the last days.
Thanks for responding |