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Old August 11th, 2002
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nDiScReEt nDiScReEt is offline
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Default Some Changes and Then Some

I revised the instructions to this link.

I can understand the rants and venting but I find it real hard to understand how I have users using nearly every distribution of linux INCLUDING your distribution of linux running LimeWire flawlessly!?

It is easy to create a new thread polling everyone to post what distributions and versions that they have limewire successfully running on for reaffirmation and validity of my statement. But this is not why I post.

I like to solve problems and test my "guru-ness" with linux and limewire. As was mentioned earlier, the people that reply to the forum threads are usually volunteers and fellow members themselves. Even though you were ranting (which is allowable and good), you didn't supply any important information such as errors and such. Thereby, wasting space and the time of others reading your thread when they could have been helping someone else in another thread or forum.

Besides, if you areen't a user who powers off his computer you can immediately use the changes in your newly modified .bashrc or .bash_profile by typing this command:

source .bashrc


source .bash_profile

If that doesn't work, reboot (M$-syle LoL)<grin>


Last edited by nDiScReEt; August 11th, 2002 at 11:05 AM.
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