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  #1 (permalink)  
Old August 11th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Thumbs down Limewire has TOO MANY.....

BROKEN DOWNLOADS! Sorry guys but until you make an app where the "Force Resume" ACTUALLY does what it says... you can forget seeing a payment from me or any of my friends and co-workers for the all mighty "Limewire Pro" that "Seven programers worked so hard to create".

It's like you guys are asking me to be one of those sheep who pay $22.95 a month for AOL, and sit for an hour listening to busy signals before actually getting what they want.....signed on.

Work a little harder on the downloads situation and less time on shoving ads down my throat and I will buy your app. Until then I'm off to download a better app that has more consitancy.

Good luck.