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Old August 12th, 2002
antihedron antihedron is offline
Join Date: July 22nd, 2002
Location: 20 miles north of the North Pole
Posts: 370
antihedron is flying high

I wasn't implying that your computer was not good enough, just was being tempemental. Although of all the Windows OSs XP is the least tempermental, Windows XP still has it problems. Every reinstallation of Windows gives you a different set of quirks that only effect certian things. Also, what software you have installed, or even removed, can effect the performance of other programs. I do not deny that this is a problem, but I think that you will probably have to find a workaround solution.

Note, there are other things that can cause Xolox to crash on startup (the ad is always there so it could be a coincidence). Checkout some of the other threads and the Xolox FAQ for stuff that could make it crash on start up.