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Old June 19th, 2001
TheGodSplinter TheGodSplinter is offline
Join Date: May 30th, 2001
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 18
TheGodSplinter is flying high
Default I Cut Folks Off, Too...

I often have to cut folks off, but always for genuine good reason and not spite.

I never cut off someone who has a good chance of getting their file from me. I am on a 56K Modem and my ISP (BTInternet, UK) cuts me off at the 2 hours mark. That makes me a pretty bad performer and of less than average use to other sharers and I am very conscious of that.

Should I see someone starting what will be, for example, a guaranteed 40+ minutes download and I know my ISP will chop across it at the 10 minutes mark, I chop first...because I want the person to HAVE A CHANCE TO START A LITTLE EARLIER at getting their desired file/s elsewhere.

I hate doing it - I put files down here for others to have! I wish I had a message system through which to send a sincere apology or warning (as I used to with Napster) when I feel I should cut people off, because - as "JD" might say...that's very much aligned with the spirit of file sharing.

I have been just as angry as you appear to be, and for what seems to have been the same reason.

Maybe we'll be given a messaging system in some future version, to aid in lessening the bitterness that occurs to another when a break is forced with no apology or explanation.

I wish you plenty of luck with future downloads; I really do! It's a genuine concern for all sharers.
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