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Old August 19th, 2002
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tross04401 tross04401 is offline
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Join Date: January 22nd, 2002
Location: Bangor, Maine
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Default Searching for shared files

OK, first, I apologize, since I'm sure that this has been asked many times. However, I've done a number of searches that brought up tons of pages with irrelevant posts.

Anyway, how do I search the network for my original files? I leave my clients running 24/7 (LW Pro 2.5.5, NapShare, or mutella) and I'm constantly serving files to people. A number of these files are original works and I would like to ensure that they are being shared - how do I do so? I've tried opening clients with no shared directory, alternate ip addresses (my NIC addy instead of the router addy (this, to see if my own computer will show up)), alternate ports, and web based Gnutella search sites, and I've never seen any of my files. Any recommendations on how to do this? Or should I just assume the files really aren't being shared?

Moderators: I guess this should probably be moved to the General Gnutella Forum. I'm kind of curious how to do it with LimeWire though.

Last edited by tross04401; August 19th, 2002 at 12:28 PM.
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