Very slow opening share library Both my library list and my list of shares seem very very slow to open up.
I just upgraded to 2.5.5, and had been running 2.3.2.
Under 2.3.2, it found all 600-odd files in a second or two, and all of them showed up in the library.
Under 2.5.5, it shows only 1 or 2 to start, and adds another every few seconds. (It's not a constant length of time between changes.)
The system has basically no load except LimeWire and KDE. CPU usage is < 2%.
System is a 1.2 GHz Athlon, with 1 GB of ram.
I had downloaded the latest Sun JRE, 1.4.0_01. I had JRE 1.4.0 before. I tried 2.5.5 with both, and it didn't make any difference.
Tried firing up 2.3.2 again, and it runs fine.
Wanted to check here before I reported it as a bug.
Anybody know of a fix? |