Thread: A lot of whys
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Old August 24th, 2002
alexmontrose alexmontrose is offline
Join Date: August 24th, 2002
Posts: 3
alexmontrose is flying high
Exclamation A lot of whys

I guess I'm not as easily satisfied as some people who as soon as they go to a new file sharing site automatically start proclaiming it as the best one of all time. I just started on Xolox and some of the same issues that bug the hell out of me on other sites are the same here. Why don't the site designers realize what a useful and necessary option it is to be able to save your searches? Huh? What? Yeah, saved searches! Do you think 3 months from now that i want to try to remember all the searches that I've done that didn't yield the file i wanted? It might be a hundred or more! Don't you think it would be nice to have a drop down list of all previous searches so we just have to click on it and we can search it now,next week,next year. It is so nice to have a list of all your searches to re-search until you find it instead of having to rack your brain to remember every one of them. Obviously in time some of those songs are going to slip your mind or not be as much of a priority next month as they are today. Why should we have to do mental gymnastics to remember our songs? Give us a drop down list that stores all your searches.

And geez theres nothing like coming to a site typing in a few songs and seeing nothing. Just makes me miss napster and Audiogalaxy that much more. You had to be looking for something by the most obscure band in the middle of Siberia to not get a listing on those two sites and even then they probably had it. Here i typed in a song by a well known artist off the latest cd and nothing. Wonderful. Don't mean to be cynical ( yeah maybe i kind of do) but that will practically guarantee me that this site is going to be good for the basics but as soon as you start throwing in a few unusual songs by unmainstream groups you will get very few if any results. Thats the quickest thing that will make me leave this site. Audiogalaxy and to some extent napster seemed to have every song ever recorded (along with bootlegs,rare cuts, never released songs and live songs from places you didn't even know existed). What a pleasure that was to peruse a list of songs that you never thought you would see in your lifetime let alone be able to download.

And one more thing. When i log on to xolox am I getting all the files that are out there or is there a way to access many more servers or networks or however xolox does it. Maybe then i could get more files.
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