Thread: A lot of whys
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Old August 25th, 2002
antihedron antihedron is offline
Join Date: July 22nd, 2002
Location: 20 miles north of the North Pole
Posts: 370
antihedron is flying high

You searches are saved if you have the "search history" check box selected in the preferences. Note this does not save your search results, just the text you were searching for.

Of course Napster and AG get more results, that is a trade off between being able to be sued and more efficent searching. Those file sharing systems use a central server to store the locations of the files. You get more results because every file that is on the network is available to be searched through. However, the lack of a centralized anything makes it very hard for anyone to sue anybody. Almost all file sharing servents now use the same network, Gnutella. So almost every program worth using is limited in this way. Stop compaining about how things are not as good as before, because it can't change anything.

As Xolox uses Gnutella, it is very hard to control what files you can see. you can only see what you neibour can see and so on. If you want to get Xolox to increase its horizon (how far into the network it can see) you will need to set you upload speed setting in the preferences higher. Xolox will then have more bandwidth to use for connecting to more hosts. Note that this is half the bandwidth. Half for upload and another for download. So set it to half what your connection can handle.
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