u r right about mac being the most simple. download sherlock 2 from download.com(mac) then simply use it to search for limewire shared. look at the date next to it and just remember to take the later dated limewire shared folder and select all your files movies etc. and move it to ur new limewire shared folder. i would reccomend taking ur shared folder from the version u want to update and move it to ur desktop. then use sherlock to find limewire uninstaller, uninstall it. then use sherlock and type limewire, select and move all the results from the search and move it to the trash and empty trash. then try the search again and u should find nothing! which is good. the only thing left of limewire will be the shared folder of all ur files. then simply download limewire 2.5.5 which is the newest fastest most reliable, u can always resume a download etc.!!
then when u download it restart mac then startup limewire and set it up to install shared/downloaded files on ur (hard drive/system folder/preferences /shared) (which by the way will be ur default location). Your final step....is to open up macintosh HD/system folder/preferences/shared folder which will be empty and open ur old shared folder with ur files in it, select them all or whichever ones u want to share and move it into the new shared folder(system folder/preferences/shared). by the way they wont appear at first, it takes a while for them to copy to the new folder depending on how many files u have. then u can just get rid of ur old shared folder once you determined that all of ur files have been transfered. By if u startup limewire and it say "error! no port for incoming transfers cant connect" just go to extensions manager and turn on web and file sharing extensions and control panels. then restart and ur done. it may seem long but i may have said things twice, its quite easy. lemme know how things went, and good luck.