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Old August 29th, 2002
JohnReam JohnReam is offline
Join Date: December 3rd, 2001
Location: East Coast USA
Posts: 67
JohnReam is flying high

Interesting read.... thanks for sharing this will us. This should be a must read for anyone with a software firewall.

Your procedure seems to be valid to me. Would be nice to see a propeller-head (which I am not) comment here to validate your explanation, or add to it.

I applied your procedure and it works as stated. For my XP, I initially had simply disabled the MS default Firewall to get LW to work, which worked. But I like your method much better. I also got OverNet (new incarnation of Edonkey2000) to work using a similar procedure.

Question: In the very last paragraph you said we should see a 'distinct improvement'.... Why would we see an improvement? Isn't all this really just about minimizing our internet exposure?

Thanks again. Great document.

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