Ok but... That covered alot, yeah, but that didn't really answer the quesiton I asked - let me clarify:
(Of Course I'm guessing at all this so my apologies if I'm wrong)
When I talk about an person's ISP blocking you, I mean that they've blocked out the publicly established port 6346... meaning you can't make any outgoing or incoming connections on 6346. This would not effect connecting to clients and hosts that know your 'forced IP' which would be some odd port like 27015 (heee heee)... I'm sure even other hosts would eventually catch on via hosts that already know you, and ask for you on that port instead of 6346 so incomings would work fine too.
What I'm saying is regarding that very first connection you make to any host listening on 6346... Its my understanding that since they're listening on 6346 that you can't make a connection to them on anything else, because they're only listening on 6346. Making those first connections would be blocked by your ISP since router.limewire.com:6346 and such all have to be on 6346. So what I'm saying is how would you get on the network that uses 6346 if you use 1000? ... Maybe write down a few servers you know of that use an odd port and connect to them first, so they can spread the word for more incomings for you? Also, if someone is on dial-up wouldn't no other server even consider incoming them?
I would appreciate all the chiming in possible, as a thread like this only promotes learning for all who read it. Thanks for the feedback, unregistered.
Mike |