Xolox Promise We pledge to work hard to earn your trust and to regain you as a loyal user. We make the following promise to you: XoloX contains NO SPYWARE, NO SNEAKWARE, NO HIJACKWARE. We will never trick you into installing something that you don’t want to install or that you don’t know you are installing ...not now...not ever!
• Team XoloX
PS. We will include ADWARE and tons of it too. We will make sure enough ADS fill the screen so you don't have to use XoloX to download the stuff you want, it automatically downloads the ADS it wants for you! We will trick you into installing ADWARE because we need the fundings for our pleasure. We update XoloX to include advancements in ADVERTISING technologies. We don't really care about our customers, we will only trust that the customers will click on the ads and generate masses of income for us. Thank you for trusting us and for becomming a loyal AD clicker.
Can anyone point out anything new, apart from the ADS, in XoloX 1.12 (Without ADS) and the latest version of XoloX? |