Originally posted by Freiluft
Rosetta will indeed fix mpg's that were split for upload to newsgroups and reassembled in a way the Mac can't read. However, at this point, QT 6 hangs at the seams, whereas QT 5 or VideoLan plays it perfectly.
Thanks for posting! That makes sense. I've noticed this with quite a few mpg's myself, but was never sure what was going on. So it seems that the way they were "hinted" for streaming is why QT can't handle them? Well, wait, no I think I get what you're saying. Well, the result anyway, I'm not clear on how they get that way in the first place.
QT 4 had limited editing abilities with mpg1 which were later dropped.
Yes, I just realized that the other day, after I paid my $30 for QT pro. <sigh> I could've sworn I could do drag and drop editing of .mpg 1's before I upgraded to 6. Looks like I may be hacking together an OS X native version of 5.0 or using 5.0 or 4.0 in Classic.
Thanks for the info on Rosetta guys, I don't think I've ever heard of that one.