Originally posted by Peerless
As far as your speed, try doing searches for the files again, and occasionally again...then you might get the file being downloaded from multiple sources aka swarming...if you have the connection you stated above, you should be able to get a total of around 200 kb/s... |
I have a Cable modem. Of course my cable company says my speeds should be that of LAN (which is supposed to be fast, yes?). Certainly it should be comparable to DSL. I have NEVER seen 200 kb/s The most was 180-ish. The average is less than 10 kb/s. Sometimes it's slower with multiple hosts than with just one. Now, would that be because of downloading from someone who CLAIMS they have a fast connection?
Lately, they've all been less than 1kb/s... that is, when I can actually get something to start downloading.
I've also noticed that the majority of my search results have locations of:
I've read that these are bogus? Or just firewalled? Very few of them will actually result in a download.
I try disconnecting and reconnecting but still same results.
Any ideas?