I'm having the same problem. 2 weeks of downloading songs and I can't get them from LimeWire over to iTunes to burn them, I also got that PC message when clicking on the burn cd on LimeWire. I'm ready to just trash LimeWire face it that by havinging a Mac I have no way of being satisfied with a program that can download songs to burn and just go back to paying my cousin to find stuff for me and have him burn the damn stuff. Trouble is by the time he gets off his lazy a$$ it's weeks and I can have a bunch of stuff burned by then (I'm still waiting for something I gave him in June to burn for me) but I guess he doesn't want the $$$. Anybody have any other suggestions on how to get these songs I have same burned???? Nevermind, now I tried it again and the damn thing is working... Unchecking the use LimeWire player allowed the songs i click on to be opened in itunes. |