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Old September 12th, 2002
Treatid Treatid is offline
Join Date: April 26th, 2002
Posts: 328
Treatid is flying high

Just installed 2.6.1. - It didn't pick up my settings again (and it prompted me to upgrade to 2.5.5).

Beta versions of 2.5 after 2.5.0 did manage to remember my settings (including 2.5.5). I haven't uninstalled and done a fresh install since before 2.5.0. (i.e. all installations have been done without removing the previous version).

On the plus side - 0KB/s uploads no longer seem to be a problem - thank you for that one.


This isn't new - I think it came in with the 2.5 versions - but when large downloads are completed (200MB+) they sometimes take a long time to complete after reaching 100%. This, in itself, isn't a problem, but it appears to interfere with other traffic - while the completed download is being processed, ultrapeers cannot be maintained and uploads and downloads are drastically slowed or dropped.

This isn't a lack of processor oomph - when I've checked, processor utilisation is nowhere near maximum. However, LimeWire itself is sluggish.

As far as I can tell, LimeWire is not this sluggish during the start-up hashing (I'm guessing that LimeWire is hashing the file once it has downloaded it).

LimeWire 2.6.1 (now)
Java 1.4.0_1
ADSL connection
no firewall