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Old September 14th, 2002
bad_vlad bad_vlad is offline
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Join Date: July 1st, 2002
Location: Oz
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bad_vlad is flying high
Default Re: Ah ... I am too pure

Originally posted by sdooh
Vlad I am in Oz too -- RURAL Oz moreover. Say no more.
Hi neighbour - welcome to gnutella - guess I don't have tell you anything about the wonders of Telstra

it didn't occur to me to try porn and/or movie stars.)
you gotta love britney - not only great cheesy pop that provides short term satisfaction almost as well as KFC but also provides the best test of the health of your connections anyone could ever wish for

"Programs" does have a certain wicked allure ...
yup - for those so inclined LW certainly hooks you up with a wicked warez world

I was wondering if I should make available what I have, but rename files with more searchable filenames.
big debate that one - I rename files myself but not out of any real concern for others so much as making them more sensible for the sub directories I've set up for my own convenience - on the other hand some folks object to the practice because if you leave the file name the way it is there's more chance of simultaneously downloading from more than one person who has the file (ie 'swarm' downloads)

I am hoping that I have otherwise done the right thing -- have opened relevant folders with permissions, but have NO idea who is or isn't poking about in here.
and therein lies the special joy of p2p

Cheers, bad_vlad
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