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Old September 17th, 2002
bad_vlad bad_vlad is offline
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Default Re: shared files

Originally posted by patnb2002
Hi Vlad: It shows only 23 shared files when I have over 100. Sorry to bother you.
damn - just when I thought my tip worked out fine it gets more mysterious

I'm still picking that the files are sitting comfortably somewhere - if you're using a PC you can use "find files" in windows explorer to track them down

just go to "tools" then click on "find" then click on "files or folders" - you'll then get a "named" box where you can enter the the name of one of the missing files - and a "look in" box where you specify the drive or directory you want searched - just select something that will search your entire drive like "C:"

click on "find now" and it should start searching - its a good bet that the missing files are all together and once located you can drag them to wherever it is you really want them

the only other thing you could do is to open your recycle bin just to check they haven't been moved there somehow (and then just click on "restore" if you do find some)

if you're using a mac - I'd follow the same general procedure using whatever the mac equivalents are

good luck - bad_vlad
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