A Phex CVS, so we can keep updated with the latest :

evel:: version of Phex, really good for proggramers in Linux, mp3 player nmnm. the most used are mpg123 and xmms you can add this command to the Open with mpg123 ...
xterm -t mpg123 -e mpg123 %x
(i think)
%x is the file that u want to play, xmms will be like
xmms %f &
then the browser stuff, i use galeon myself, but most of the people use Mozilla / Galeon, then opera or konqeror, theres still people that use lynx,
lynx %url &
same with all the browsers. except konqueror. that is something with kdmclient crap, kde is full of unusable crap anyways,
yesterday i checked out the latest cvs of gtk-gnutella , ( 0.91), and now they have some new Server stats feature, thats pretty cool. maybe u guys will implement it, you can use Java, but the instalation is kind of tricky with the export stuff for a newbie,

anyways good luck