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Old September 19th, 2002
Krieger88 Krieger88 is offline
Join Date: July 4th, 2002
Posts: 274
Krieger88 is flying high
Default Re: a few ideas to reduce some encumberances

1) The ability for a wheeled mouse to scroll. When wheeled mice first came out, few applications supported them. However, almost everything does now -- except this app.
You'll get wheel mouse support if you install the latest java runtime environment from (JRE 1.4.1).

2) I admit, I havent fooled with it much yet, but I organize my movies and audio into directories. If I wish to share those, I have to add each directory independantly. This is cumbersome and a bit annoying. How about support one of the following:
a: The ability to multi select folders / files when selecting a share
b: The ability to select a top level folder and it read all those below
c: or at the very least, remember the last directory selected so a user does not have to browse the entire network to find where he/she just was.

Thanks for allowing me to express my thoughts and great job overall.
LimeWire does b) automatically.
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