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  #2 (permalink)  
Old September 21st, 2002
Posts: n/a

first of all
try using the 0.9 stable .... if it works out with the dependencies in woody

i thin kyou dont have missed a config but an not up to date hosts file
if you give me your email i may send you mine...

and with the gateway....
if it doesnt forward the 6346 port to your computer you cant get incoming connections....
the same thing if gtk-gnutella doesnt find your right ip (you have to enter it by hand in the config then)
so can only get outgoing connections
but all servers in your hostsfile are full ore outdated
normally you get many incomign connections when you try connect to a full server because it stores and forwards your ip ....but if nobody can connect to you this doesnt help...

so either forward your gnutella port or/and enter your right ip in the config or give me your email to get an up to date hosts file

Karl Napf
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