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Old September 21st, 2002 is offline
Join Date: September 4th, 2002
Posts: 3 is flying high
Unhappy Same problem

I've noticed the same problem. If I search for a file and select it to download, everything is fine if I happen to get it right away but if I don't get anything right away or, if for some reason I only get a portion of the file, I can leave it on the Transfer page for weeks and nothing else happens. I know that some of the files I'm searching for aren't the most popular & others with that file might not be online at all times, but I have a DSL connection & I've left Xolox running for days at a time with no results (at least when I don't get disconnected due to an "HModule" error that I can't seem to get rid of no matter how many times I delete & reinstall Xolox.