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Old September 26th, 2002
LeeWare LeeWare is offline
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Lightbulb Gnutella Content Specific Community Creation (GSCCC)

Gnutella Content Specific Community Creation (GSCCC)

I've been using Limewire Pro for about 60 days now and I personally think it is one of the
best Gnutella applications around for what I use it for. There are some issues, and these issues have
more to do with the nature of gnutella and its users and not necessarily the Limewire Servent.

After I finished my research on p2p technology in general--I sent a letter to *email address removed*
in which I received no response.

Here are my objectives:

a) Create a knowledge sharing community.

I've been using the Internet for about 14 years now--and I know that people are eager to find ways to apply technology
for their personal non-financial pursuits.
I am encouraging people to contribute their spare-time and energy
by developing content on subjects they are familiar with. I also make the assumption that if a person has invested in
a broadband connection they are looking for ways to put that 24x7 connection to good use (Again this is just an assumption
based on my subjective impressions.)

b) Name Space Organization

I personally think that people who are hosting files on Gnutella (especially large numbers of files) should
spend some time on good old-fashion system administration and organize the name space for the files they are
sharing. So that they follow a common format. (Please do this before publishing/sharing)
This would make the search results easier to navigate for some users and significantly contribute to the overall organization
of the network content. (again, my subjective impression.)

c) Sharing is Encouraged

Share what? c.1) Knowledge c.2) Information c.3) effort c.4) storage-space c.5) bandwidth c.6) and most Importantly your time.

The death of the free-Internet has been disappearing since the early 1990s, this is when commercialization by businesses began to take root. This was the best and the worse thing that ever happened to the Internet -- it was the best thing -- because it brought the Internet to millions. It was the worse thing--because using the Internet is now largely a commercial endeavor. With the focus shifting from How can we use this (the Internet.) to save money to how can we use the Internet to make money. The formula being:

The Formula:
1. Develop a service.

2. Push it as a more cost-effective business model to traditional method of doing business
or free (the intention here is to create a need.)

3. When the subscriptions are high begin charging small fees (to avoid mass-flight.)

4. Acquire a solid legal foundation to protect your model. (This step most effectively eliminates anyone who might threaten your model.)

5. Raise rates of providing the service due to increased cost of providing consumers with the convenience. (see number 2. for irony.)

6. Find things that people are largely interested in and begin at 1. = develop a service


This is our continued evolution into the digital age.

I think P2P has a lot of promise, but unless somethings change the experience for most users will be that of great frustration.


a) People are eager to make contributions and P2P gives them an opportunity to contribute. So what does a person contribute. Well, things that they own, or feel that they own--(music, movies programs etc.) Unfortunately these these are protected by (see #4 in the formula). I use the word protected because the legal verbage of most media has been crafted in a way to protect the model of the person(s) involved in the creation and original distribution of the various types of media. I think some people are ignorant of this. As a result many such services have fallen by the way side and It is my opinion that these efforts to control media distribution will continue successfully because the people who are protecting the business models have two things:

a) Knowledge of the laws governing the use and distribution of such media.

b) The financial resources and motivation to enforce the legal foundations they created for themselves.

All of this brings me to my final objective, we need users who are willing to participate in the development--distribution and organization of what I personally think is an exciting technology. The reason we need numbers is so that we can perform the following functions:

a) Build momentum for non-infringing uses of the technology. (The more people the faster it grows the richer to content
as more people can contribute more prospectives.)

b) As more people contribute--distribute--organize we can balance the argument that p2p services are used as havens for piracy--We can stand as a group against any measures used to significantly disrupt or impede our ability to conduct perfectly legal transactions.

Our Methodology:

1. Create an Opportunity
2. Enlist Support
3. Reach Critical Mass
4. Change Existing Models From Commercial to Public
5. Find Things that people are largely insterested in and begin at 1. = Create an opportunity.


Currenly I have three servers on Gnutella Hosting Content 24x7 these servers have become increasingly busy. We have
Distributed over 90,000 files. I am asking anyone who's interested to complete the following steps to get this effort underway.

a) If you are sharing your system directory or binaries from your root drives I would ask you to stop sharing those.

b) If you are sharing copyrighted material (it is illegal-but I assume that you are doing so at your own risk.
I am personally not interested in policing this.)

c) Reserve a directory on your machine for sharing i.e. (p2proot) inside of that folder create two sub folders (in) and (out)

d) Configure your Servent to share the (\p2proot\out)

e) Configure your servent to put incoming files in the folder (\p2proot\in) = do not share this folder!

f) Your servent should by default create an incomplete folder or temp folder (depending on your client) if you can configure this folder to be inside of your p2proot folder.

Your directory structure should look like this


g) Suggested Name Space Organization (for FSP File Servcies Providers)
CBT - NameOfFile (Computer Based Training)
MP3 - SongName (Digital Music)
APP - (Applications)
MOV - (Movies)
EDU - (Educational)
INF - (Information)
GAM - (Games)

It is my hope that as these recommendations are adapted people will be able to set their content filters for example
to programs, and do a search for GAM - and hosts containing games will return their results. This should further reduce the
instances of responsible users executing exhaustive search for exe mpg which causes every host sharing thos file types to return
all of their results.

h) Host Content (24 x 7 connected users)

We prefer that people who are interested in hosting content and have some drive space and network bandwith to spare.
Currently our library is 2.xGB and growing every week. We need people to connect and download the entire contents of the servers
and re-share it on the network. The more people do this the faster this process will be for each new person wishing to host

As the idea is to create as many multiple instances as possible for a specific set of content. Once a significant number of hosts
are sharing content should have the following possitive results

a) More reliable search / download ratios
b) Faster Downloads for the end users
c) Higher Hit count for File Service Providers (FSPs)
d) A reduction in the time people spend uploading files (FSP) (this should increase each FSPs ability to serve more files)

If you decide to take any or all of these recommendations We believe that the overall health of gnutella will be greatly improved.

to get started please visit LeeWare Development Unmanaged Linux Virtual Dedicated Servers

If you have any questions, comments or concerns please feel free to send them to *email address removed*

Thanks for your time.
Lee Evans, President
LeeWare Development

Last edited by birdy; February 1st, 2008 at 07:27 PM.
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