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Old September 29th, 2002
JeddieT JeddieT is offline
Join Date: July 28th, 2002
Location: New York, NY
Posts: 1
JeddieT is flying high

Don't feel bad, I've been using Limewire for a couple of months now and still don't have any listings in my library--and I haven't got a clue why. Another thing, I just upgraded my version, and now have to reset all my old settings. I still can't get Limewire to save mp3s in my old shared file where they were set up to go before. How frustrating! It's not a true upgrade but more like installing new software--big difference.
I do love Limewire--as it has helped me get many wonderful songs and files, however, where is the menu bar?? and a "help" selection?? Why can't I get a simple question answered without wasting my entire night through trial and error???

Or worse, having to search through countless messages in the freakish hope of stumbling onto the right information.
And forget about getting the "User Manual." In the months that I've had this program I have never been able to get the manual on-screen, let alone download it. I just keep getting these idot messages like "attempt to load limewire/ZZZZXXX failed." I'm convinced that there is no such thing as a user manual at this point.

Last edited by JeddieT; September 29th, 2002 at 10:43 PM.
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