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Old October 1st, 2002
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Abaris Abaris is offline
Join Date: May 14th, 2001
Location: Europe
Posts: 86
Abaris is flying high

Come on, this is not really news. We know about LimeShop/TopMoxie/eTraffic since it was firstly bundled at the beginning of this year. it is a proxy which all URLs in your browser are routed through. it has the ability to change these URLs on the fly, which means it could change "" to "", which would lead to amazon paying limewire instead of the other affiliate. Greg Bildson called this a bug, however, for it would be only supposed to redirect you if no affiliate at all was specified (at least that is how i understand his post on the GDF). He said that LimeWire had contacted TopMoxie several times and asked them to solve that problem. Obviously they didn't solve it.
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