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Old October 3rd, 2002
ckyFan ckyFan is offline
Join Date: August 19th, 2002
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Posts: 19
ckyFan is flying high
Angry This thing they call CHAT

Mac G4 1Ghz DP
Limewire 2.6.3

I've tried all of the various methods to try and chat with a host and Idon't even get a window letting me know that Limewire is 'unable to chat'.

I've noticed chat do that once in a while.

Is chat just 'buggy' or what?

- Also
If LW crashes on me while I'm Dl'ing, and I restart LW all of the files that I was in the middle of recieving read 'could not move to library'. I think I read about this once before a couple of days ago and someone suggested that I restart again and that should solve it.

Well, since I'm telling you this little story I'm sure you can guess what happened.

Any feedback on this?

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