When I first started using Xolox, I fellin love!!!! So easy, piece of cake, even invested in high speed modem to down load files. Then I started reading forum about how to fix all of the "ERROR" messages that I would get while attempting to find files and download. I thought I fixed it. Did everything that I was supposed to do. Ran fine for about 4 hours, without an incident and I thought "GREAT, I'M GETTING SOMEWHERE". Why are there so many problems with this all of a sudden??? I'm a reformed Morpheus and Napster user, and when I discovered Xolox, like I said, I fell in love. Now I'm ready for divorce court, and contemplating ol' "Loxy" to pay support for all of my "desserted" files. Just kidding, but ya get the gist. Any suggestions for a better, more improved and EASY P2P????