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Old October 4th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Unhappy XoloX 1.3 - MUCH improved? Yeah right...

So far the only 'improvement' I've noticed is that XoloX is quickly going the same way as BearShare - already becoming an AdWare, with multiple annoying ads in every screen, already has spyware and junkware bundled with it... the next step will be refusing to install without all that crap, and that's where I'm gonna uninstall it and move on to something else, just like I moved from BearShare to XoloX. What happened to the 'No SpyWare, SneakWare or Hijack Ware' motto? You guys should at least be honest and remove it from your website, because you are shipping exactly that with XoloX now.

Now, to the bugs in version 1.3...

1. I use Proxomitron http filter to kill pop-ups and banners (eat me, but I refuse to be spammed). And that causes XoloX to crash almost all the time. Just install Proxomitron and see. Of course, you don't have to care, but no other program I have crashes because of its banners getting replaced by placeholder bars.

2. Found a file, trying to download it, from 3 sources. Getting to 99%, getting message that 'a part of the download was dropped due to wrongly served information', resetting to 52%. Ok, happens... Getting to 99% again, same message again, 52% again... etc... etc... After 2 hours it's still doing that, and that's when I kill that download. If some source provides wrong file info, shouldn't it drop it or something?

Generally, the new version is ULTRA disappointing. Version 1.22 at least worked, and didn't have any crapware bundled with it. Now, I want to go back to v1.22. Where do I find it?