OK, this is my solution (repeated as separate posting)
Installing LineWire
I had the problem that LimeWire worked only with root authorisations. Setting SUID rood didnt help, downloads still were not working. I fixed it the following:
login as root
install limewire to /opt/LimeWire
create a script, lets say lw, and put it to /usr/local/bin (or somewhere else, e.g. $HOME). Assuming you are joe_user, the script is:
-------- snip
XAUTHORITY=/home/joe_user/.Xauthority; export XAUTHORITY
DISPLAY=:0.0; export DISPLAY
-------- snap
next you need sudo installed on your machine. Pls. Note that there was a security announcement last (look at portal.suse.de/en). With visudo, configure sudo and add the following line:
joe_user ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/local/bin/lw
now you can start limewire with
sudo lw
.....and enjoy sucking songz! |