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Old October 9th, 2002
antihedron antihedron is offline
Join Date: July 21st, 2002
Location: 20 miles north of the North Pole
Posts: 370
antihedron is flying high

This is something that happens when there are alot of hosts with the file you are downloading. Slight changes in each copy tend to build up near the end of a file (especially for mp3 because poeple like to add/subtract data from the 1d3 tags alot). If Xolox downloads a file segment that does not exactly match what it already has (Xolox staggers the segments) it will drop that segment and try a different host. You can turn this off in the prefenences. For media content this is less of an issue, as the file is likely to play anyway (might be a slight blip of something of that sort), but for zips and programs any abnomality can ruin the file.