Man, I am getting tired these past two days trying to download songs. Been trying to down load and see plenty of songs I want. ********,****** etc. Songs show up as available and sometimes 3 to 8 copies grouped together, YET every time I attempt to download them (and I have tried 20 to thirty different songs between the two artists) I get that blooming "Requery sent" message that goes ON and ON and ON for hours. I finally kill the download, do another search, find it again more than one host has the song, try to download the song again, and again get "requery sent" I am beginning to get just a bit peturbed. JUST what does that ambiguous message mean exactly anyway? Host no longer available? If so, why are they showing up in my search results time and time again. Why not "Host no longer available message or something so I will not get so peturbed