Limewire Got Me In Trouble For Nothing My ISP emailed me today with a warning for either downloading or sharing copyrighted files. Because I used Limewire, I’m getting this email.
Many people who have computers like to copy “paid for” games to their hard drive in order to take stress of the CD drive, and to have faster load times. But, when good old Limewire comes along, it scans for things on your hard drive, anything it can get its little paws on. So what has resulted is an orgy of once legal games and MP3s on my computer that are now being exposed to the public. And do I want this to happen? No. I don’t want to share my personal ripped music to the world, I paid for it and copied it to my computer after all, and that’s where it should end.
I see that P2P is its own worst enemy. Now thanks to Limewire, more MP3 files have been distributed on the internet, and more games are available illegally, and so on...
Perhaps a better P2P strategy in the “final days before legislation” would be to have people KNOW what the hell they are sharing. I thought I was sharing legal things... Home movies, family pictures, but no. I was doing something illegal, without even knowing, as are millions of others, and that’s why P2P will end some day. Believe me, two weeks ago I supported P2P, but now, my view has changed. Good thing I didn’t buy Limewire.
Thanks for reading.
Spencer Whitney.
Last edited by wondering why; February 2nd, 2008 at 02:15 AM.