Java Exception when hitting Search button below is the java exception error message that it getting output to out.txt in my limewire directory. I also get this error msg when I run the app from the command line. my specs are OSX 10.1.5, LimeWire Pro 2.6.5, JRE 1.3.1.
LimeWire pro support was not able to help me at all so I'm hoping one of the java Limewire programmers will help...
thanks in advance.
Exception occurred during event dispatching:
java.lang.VerifyError: (class: com/limegroup/gnutella/xml/LimeXMLDocument, method: initialize signature: (Lorg/xml/sax/InputSource;)V) Incompatible object argument for function call
at com.limegroup.gnutella.xml.gui.InputPanel.construc tXML(Unknown Source)
at com.limegroup.gnutella.xml.gui.InputPanel.getInput (Unknown Source)
at riggerSearchXML(Unknown Source)
at ctionPerformed(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(Abs |