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Old October 19th, 2002
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Default Install LimeWire 2.65 with Jaguar...

Hello, I’m Antoine, from Paris, France.

I usually use LimeWire with Mac OS 9, with no problem. It’s a great app, easy to use, and very “effective” (very useful).
I recently installed Jaguar (Mac OS 10.2) on my G4, and when I tried to install the last version of LimeWire (2.65), the installation cancelled at the very beginning, with this alert message :

"Impossible de lancer l'application Java,
la classe principale "com.zerog.lax.LAX" n'a pas pu être chargée.

“Impossible to launch the application Java,
The principal class "com.zerog.lax.LAX" couldn’t has been loaded.
(excuse my poor english !...)

I’ve tried with older versions (for Mac OS X) of LimeWire, with the same result. I’ve tried too to install complements for Apple Java, updates, utilities, even the latest Apple Dev. Tools, but with no success. I told others people about it, but I seem to be the only one with that weird problem!

If you have a solution, or an advice, anything, thank you for answering.

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