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Old October 20th, 2002
richlee1982 richlee1982 is offline
Join Date: October 19th, 2002
Posts: 3
richlee1982 is flying high
Default No help!

That's no help at all! (Sorry!) Ok, I'll explain in more detail...

I'm using a university networked computer from my room in Student Halls. I know that the university has a firewall, but XoloX can by-pass that...hence I managed to download a song the first time I tried. BUT, when I tried to download any more (and I tried loads of both music and Mpegs) the files stay on Connecting or Searching, but never starts to download. Oh and before you ask, I do get the message at the bottom of the screen saying "Network ok."

If you tell me I have to force my IP address, that's fine, I know that you type in winipcfg into the START > RUN menu, but how do you find which port to use? Asking the Network Administrator is not an option I don't think. Anyway, I've given you loads of information so that should help. Thanks.