Speed & Searchs Question,
If posible to have a history of your searches many time you are searching for the same thing or similar over and over again meaning that you are using resources over and over again.
for example if I perform a sear for the word "RULES":
I will get this results.
Rules.mp3 ip.xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
the rules of gnutella ip.xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
this times 100 ok now if i'm going to perform another search like word "GNUTELLA":
i will get the list
the rules of gnutella ip.xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
this mean that i created two searches and got similar results.
if is possible to create an history file that is checked before sending any request to the internet meaning that the search could be faster because I already perform the search before?
if a min of 50 machin files are not found then and only then the regular search is performed.
this history file could be reset every 30 minutes.
Do you think this is possible.
troya |