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Old October 25th, 2002
WideMcMakin WideMcMakin is offline
Join Date: September 22nd, 2002
Posts: 5
WideMcMakin is flying high

Yes you can move any folder that you have downloaded with LimeWire. To find out where limewire has put the files just go into limewires preferences and look under sharing. In the Shared Directories window is the file path of where your saved folder is. Note that this is the same place that you okayed when you first installed LimeWire. You can also designate other folders on your hard drive to share with others as well. Navigate to the above folder and you can drag it to your desktop, put it in any folder you want or even move or delete it. If you move this folder or rename it the application will not be able to find your shared files.While you are checking out this folder you may want to note that your incomplete folder is also in this area. If you veiw them from within Limewire it shows you how big the existing file is too. You need to do a get info if not veiwing from within Limewire.
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