I use Win 98 and I get this pop up message:
Fatal Application Error
This Application Has Unexpectedly Quit
Invocation of this Java Application has caused an InvocationTargetException. This application will now exit. (LAX)
(Details) (OK)
When I hit details it says...
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/java/util/collections/Iterator
at a.a.a.c.ca.b(ca.java:52)
at a.a.a.c.cf.main(cf.java:16)
at a.a.a.b.Main.main(Main.java:13)
at com.zerog.lax.LAX.launch([DashoPro-V1.2-120198])
at com.zerog.lax.LAX.main([DashoPro-V1.2-120198])
If you know how to fix this email me at