Hi there,
I am using 256-DSL to connect to the Internet, on an AMD 1.2/ XP PC... only weakness is still the memory of 160MB, other than that the computer is fine.
Since installing Limewire, my Internet performance is extremely irregular and mostly poor. It goes down as low as 1 kbps, instead of the expected 25kbps+. Speed is tested via Speedsuite.net, the line itself has also been tested (remote, on-site would be next step) and is ok. No other peer-to-peer programs are installed.
My provider's first questions was whether or not I had Kazaa installed, this program obviously is known for problems... They are not aware of difficulties relating to Limewire or other Gnutella programs.
The Internet speed is fine upon startup (18-26 kbps), after running Limewire for a while it goes down (1-6 kbps). I usually have to restart in order to be able to continue work.
I honestly think Limewire is a great program, and want to upgrade to Pro eventually. This would be the first time I ever purchased a software version that had no outstanding features in comparison to the freeware version, by the way... Feel flattered, I think it's a great product and you need the support.
I appreciate any help with fixing this! Nevertheless, if this problem can't be fixed - any suggestions which other programs (i.e. edonkey) might be more suitable?
Thanks in advance,