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Old November 10th, 2002
trap_jaw trap_jaw is offline
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trap_jaw is flying high

Originally posted by sberlin
well rutro, from the way things look right now, although people are somewhat upset (and rightfully so) over the clandestine [ ] development/release of G2, most folks think that gnutella got a sorely-needed boost in popularity... so once the specs are released, i'd expect most clients to incorporate it.
I doubt that. I don't see that boost in popularity either. I mean an article at /. - come on, /. posts an article about gnutella every three months and they are quickly forgotten.

As you mentioned above, the heart of Gnutella2 ("G2" is a trademark owned by RealNetworks), seems to be GUESS. But as Shareaza Mike said it's slightly different from GUESS. Since LimeWire already got a working GUESS implementation, I believe the LW team will look at the specs carefully, watch it being flamed by Gtk-Gnutella Raphael and BearShare Vinnie on the GDF, point out that it's not all bad but simply not good enough and move it to the paper bin.

That's just my assumption of course, but a think it's a realistic one.
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