The problem with the welcome message is a windows resizing problem© The developers of Limewire have not made the welcome window resizable hoping that it will be displayed at an adequate size© Unfortunately this is not the case and the window is way too small making it impossible to click on whatever is there to progress further© I can't understand why the developers have done this as they were aware of the problem with version 1©4b as there was a previous thread about it© Its quite easy in Java to make windows resizable and the Linux version needs this© Its also quite obvious that limewire developers don't believe in testing but just release stuff and hope that it works© As for the fonts problem this just means you don't have those fonts on your system and it is not a problem if it annoys you can edit the font©properties file „ in ~jre/lib¤and place a # in front of those fonts you don't have© Check which fonts you have in ~/jre/lib/fonts
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