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Old November 14th, 2002
johngaltpa johngaltpa is offline
Join Date: November 14th, 2002
Location: New York
Posts: 1
johngaltpa is flying high
Lightbulb simple fix...

Try this, until they come out with an official fix. It worked for me (g3 imac, OS 9.2)

1. Go to your system folder..preferences
2. Open the .limewire folder
3. trash the limewire.props folder (it's empty anyway)
4. create a new document and name it limewire.props

(to do this I duplicated the document and renamed the resulting copy limewire.props. But you can probably start with any old generic icon)

After launching Limewire again my new phony limewire.props file became 4k in size. The setup options appeared set to default choices. Now you can go to the Options menu and change them to what you want and they will "stick". Limewire quit going through setup each time.

Hope this works for you!
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