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Old November 17th, 2002
LeeWare LeeWare is offline
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Location: Chicago, USA
Posts: 321
LeeWare is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel
Lightbulb Queue Busy Messages

The likelyhood of being able to download the file successfully is Good thus (****)

However other people are currently downloading the file. I think Think this is done on a (First Come First Serve) basis meaning that if you connect and you are position 20 in a download queue, you disconnect from the network and 500 more people have connected since you terminated your connection to the resouce you will now either get a higher number for example 501 or a busy signal. The machine is too busy handling connection from other users.

One solution to this problem is more people need to share content on a more consistent basis (i.e. 24x7)

Hope this helps -further comments are welcome.
Lee Evans, President
LeeWare Development
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