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Old November 18th, 2002
Julie Z Julie Z is offline
Join Date: April 1st, 2002
Posts: 386
Julie Z is flying high


You'll get no argument from me that LW needs work. I only try to share what works for me. LW does freeze alot. Force Quits necessary. Usually have to press the restart button as the mouse will not respond. It moves, but cannot click anywhere. But, as it is the only somewhat usable app for Macs, I stick with it.

Now, as for files sitting at 100% "Downloading from 0 Hosts" : That is LW hashing the file. Takes a few minutes to complete and then it will show up in your Save Folder.

I have no idea if there is a problem with Chatting and routers. That could be an Open Discussion question if you feel it important enough to ask. We don't get too many replies in the Mac forum. We kinda have to fend for ourselves!

Anyway, I try to give input when I can, but everyone pretty much needs to just do what works for them.

Good luck! And may someone come out with a good Mac p2p someday soon!

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